Privacy Notice

Personal data (hereinafter referred to as “data”) are processed by us only to the extent necessary and for the purpose of providing a functional and user-friendly Internet presence, including its contents and the services offered there.

In accordance with Art. 4 item 1. of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, i.e. the Basic Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to only as “DSGVO”), “processing” shall mean any operation or set of operations carried out with or without the aid of automated procedures in connection with personal data, such as collection, recording, organization, organization, storage, adaptation or alteration, reading, querying, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or any other form of provision, alignment or combination, restriction, deletion or destruction.

With the following data protection declaration we inform you in particular about the type, scope, purpose, duration and legal basis of the processing of personal data, insofar as we decide either alone or together with others about the purposes and means of processing. In addition, we inform you in the following about the third-party components we use for optimization purposes and to increase the quality of use, insofar as third parties process data on their own responsibility.

Our privacy policy is structured as follows:

I. Information about us as responsible parties
II. rights of users and data subjects
III. Information on data processing

I. Information about us as responsible persons

Responsible provider of this website in the sense of data protection law is:

PETKUS Technology GmbH
Röberstr. 8
99848 Wutha-Farnroda

Phone: 036921 / 98-0
Fax: 036921 / 98-333

is the data protection officer of the provider:

IfDDS GmbH | Robert Schmock
Strehlener Straße 14
01069 Dresden

Phone: +49 351 27 57 90 57

II. rights of users and data subjects

  • to obtain confirmation as to whether or not data concerning him/her are being processed, to receive information on the data processed, to receive further information on data processing and to receive copies of the data (see also Art. 15 of the Data Protection Act);
  • the correction or completion of incorrect or incomplete data (see also art. 16 DPA);
  • to the immediate deletion of data relating to them (see also Art. 17 DSGVO), or, alternatively, if further processing is necessary in accordance with Art. 17 para. 3 DSGVO, to the restriction of processing in accordance with Art. 18 DSGVO;
  • to the receipt of data concerning them and provided by them and to the transfer of such data to other providers/responsible parties (cf. also Art. 20 DSGVO);
  • to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority if they are of the opinion that data concerning them is being processed by the provider in breach of data protection provisions (cf. also Art. 77 DSGVO).

In addition, the provider is obliged to inform all recipients to whom data has been disclosed by the provider of any correction or deletion of data or the restriction of processing that is carried out on the basis of Articles 16, 17 (1), 18 DSGVO. However, this obligation does not apply if such notification is impossible or involves disproportionate effort. Notwithstanding this, the user has a right to information about these recipients.

Likewise, in accordance with Art. 21 DSGVO, users and data subjects have the right to object to the future processing of data relating to them, provided that the data is processed by the provider in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 letter f) DSGVO. In particular, an objection to data processing for the purpose of direct advertising is permitted.

III. Information on data processing

Your data processed during the use of our website will be deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose of the storage no longer applies, the deletion of the data is not opposed by any legal storage obligations and no other information on individual processing methods is provided below.

Server data

For technical reasons, in particular to ensure a secure and stable Internet presence, data is transmitted to us or to our web space provider by your Internet browser. These so-called server log files are used to record, among other things, the type and version of your Internet browser, the operating system, the website from which you have switched to our Internet presence (referrer URL), the website(s) of our Internet presence that you visit, the date and time of the respective access and the IP address of the Internet connection from which the use of our Internet presence takes place.

This data is temporarily stored, but not together with other data about you.

This storage takes place on the legal basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. Our legitimate interest lies in the improvement, stability, functionality and security of our Internet presence.

The data will be deleted after seven days at the latest, unless further storage is required for evidential purposes. Otherwise, the data is completely or partially excluded from deletion until the final clarification of an incident.


a) Session cookies/session cookies

We use so-called cookies with our Internet presence. Cookies are small text files or other storage technologies that are stored on your terminal device by the Internet browser you use. Through these cookies, certain information from you, such as your browser or location data or your IP address, is processed to an individual extent.

This processing makes our Internet presence more user-friendly, effective and secure, as the processing enables, for example, the reproduction of our Internet presence in different languages or the offer of a shopping basket function.

The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b.) DSGVO, insofar as these cookies process data for contract initiation or contract processing.

If the processing does not serve the purpose of contract initiation or contract processing, our legitimate interest lies in the improvement of the functionality of our Internet presence. The legal basis is then Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO.

These session cookies are deleted when you close your internet browser.

b) Third party cookies

Where appropriate, our website may also use cookies from partner companies with whom we cooperate for the purposes of advertising, analysis or the functionality of our website.

Please refer to the following information for details on this, in particular on the purposes and legal basis for processing such third-party cookies.

c) Possibility of removal

You can prevent or restrict the installation of cookies by adjusting your Internet browser settings. You can also delete already stored cookies at any time. However, the steps and measures required for this depend on the Internet browser you are actually using. If you have any questions, please use the help function or documentation of your Internet browser or contact its manufacturer or support. In the case of so-called flash cookies, however, processing cannot be prevented by the browser settings. Instead, you must change the settings of your Flash player. The steps and measures required for this also depend on the Flash Player you are actually using. If you have any questions, please also use the help function or documentation of your Flash Player or contact the manufacturer or user support.

If you prevent or restrict the installation of cookies, however, this may mean that not all functions of our website can be used to their full extent.

Contact requests / Contact possibility

If you contact us via contact form or e-mail, the data you provide will be used to process your request. The provision of the data is necessary to process and answer your inquiry – without the provision of this data, we cannot answer your inquiry or can only answer it to a limited extent.

The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6 para. 1 letter b) DSGVO.

Your data will be deleted if your inquiry has been finally answered and the deletion is not opposed by any legal storage obligations, such as for example in the case of a possible subsequent contract processing.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics in our Internet presence. This is a web analytics service provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA, hereinafter referred to as “Google”.

Through the certification according to the EU-US Privacy Shield

guarantees Google that the data protection regulations of the EU will also be observed when processing data in the USA.

The Google Analytics service is used to analyze the usage behavior of our website. The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. Our legitimate interest lies in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of our Internet presence.

Usage and user-related information, such as IP address, place, time or frequency of the visit to our website, is transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. However, we use Google Analytics with the so-called anonymization function. With this function Google shortens the IP address already within the EU or EEA.

The data collected in this way is in turn used by Google to provide us with an evaluation of the visit to our website and the usage activities there. This data can also be used to provide further services related to the use of our website and the use of the Internet.

Google states that it will not connect your IP address with other data. Google also maintains a database under

will provide you with further information on data protection laws, for example on the possibilities of preventing the use of data.

In addition, Google offers under

a so-called deactivation add-on together with further information on this. This add-on can be installed with all common internet browsers and offers you further control over the data that Google collects when you visit our website. The add-on informs the JavaScript (ga.js) of Google Analytics that information about your visit to our website should not be transmitted to Google Analytics. However, this does not prevent information from being transmitted to us or to other web analysis services. Whether and which other web analysis services are used by us, you will of course also find out in this data protection declaration.

Objection to data collection

You can prevent the collection of your data by Google Analytics by clicking on the following link An opt-out cookie will be set to prevent the collection of your information on future visits to this site: Disable Google Analytics.

For more information on how Google Analytics handles user data, please see the Google privacy policy:

Google Maps

In our internet presence we use Google Maps to show our location and to provide directions. This is a service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA, hereinafter only “Google”.

Through the certification according to the EU-US Privacy Shield

guarantees Google that the data protection regulations of the EU will also be observed when processing data in the USA.

In order to enable the display of certain fonts on our website, a connection to the Google server in the USA is established when our website is accessed.

If you call up the Google Maps component integrated into our website, Google will store a cookie on your terminal device via your Internet browser. In order to display our location and to provide you with directions, your user settings and data are processed. We cannot exclude the possibility that Google uses servers in the USA.

The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. Our legitimate interest lies in the optimization of the functionality of our Internet presence.

Through the connection to Google established in this way, Google can determine from which website your request has been sent and to which IP address the directions are to be sent.

If you do not agree with this processing, you have the possibility to prevent the installation of cookies by making the appropriate settings in your Internet browser. You will find details on this above under the item “Cookies”.

In addition, the use of Google Maps and the information obtained via Google Maps is subject to the Google Terms of Use and the Terms and Conditions for Google Maps

Furthermore, Google offers the following services at

further information.


We use YouTube in our Internet presence. This is a video portal of YouTube LLC., 901 Cherry Ave., 94066 San Bruno, CA, USA, hereinafter only referred to as “YouTube”.

YouTube is a subsidiary of Google LLC., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA, hereinafter only referred to as “Google”.

Through certification according to the EU-US Privacy Shield

guarantees Google, and with it its subsidiary YouTube, that the EU’s data protection regulations will also be observed when processing data in the USA.

We use YouTube in conjunction with the “Advanced Privacy Mode” feature to show you videos. The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. Our legitimate interest lies in improving the quality of our Internet presence. According to YouTube, the function “Extended Privacy Mode” has the effect that the data described in more detail below is only transmitted to the YouTube server when you actually start a video.

Without this “Enhanced Privacy Mode”, a connection to the YouTube server in the USA is established as soon as you access one of our Internet pages on which a YouTube video is embedded.

This connection is required in order to display the video on our website using your Internet browser. In the course of this, YouTube will at least record and process your IP address, the date and time, and the website you visited. Furthermore, a connection to the advertising network “DoubleClick” of Google will be established.

If you are logged into YouTube at the same time, YouTube will assign the connection information to your YouTube account. If you wish to prevent this, you must either log out of YouTube before visiting our website or make the appropriate settings in your YouTube user account.

For the purpose of functionality as well as for the analysis of usage behavior, YouTube permanently stores cookies via your internet browser on your end device. If you do not agree with this processing, you have the possibility to prevent the storage of cookies by changing the settings in your internet browser. You will find more information on this under “Cookies” above.

Further information on the collection and use of data and your rights and protection options in this regard is held by Google in the files listed under

available data protection information.

Google AdWords with conversion tracking

In our internet presence we use the advertising component Google AdWords and the so-called conversion tracking. This is a service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA, hereinafter only “Google”.

Through the certification according to the EU-US Privacy Shield

guarantees Google that the data protection regulations of the EU will also be observed when processing data in the USA.

We use conversion tracking to advertise our offer in a targeted manner. The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. Our legitimate interest lies in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of our Internet presence.

If you click on an advertisement placed by Google, the conversion tracking system we use stores a cookie on your end device. These so-called conversion cookies lose their validity after 30 days and are not used for your personal identification.

If the cookie is still valid and you visit a particular page of our website, both we and Google can evaluate that you clicked on one of our ads placed on Google and that you were then redirected to our website.

Through the information obtained in this way, Google provides us with statistics about the visits to our website. It also provides us with information about the number of users who clicked on our ad(s) and the pages of our website that were subsequently called up. However, neither we nor third parties who also use Google AdWords are able to identify you in this way.

You can also prevent or restrict the installation of cookies by means of the appropriate settings in your Internet browser. At the same time, you can delete already stored cookies at any time. However, the steps and measures required for this depend on the Internet browser you are using. If you have any questions, please use the help function or documentation of your Internet browser or contact its manufacturer or support.

Furthermore, Google also offers cookies under

offers further information on this topic and in particular on the possibilities of preventing the use of data.

Google AdSense

We use Google AdSense in our Internet presence for the integration of advertisements. This is a service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA, hereinafter only “Google”.

Through the certification according to the EU-US Privacy Shield

guarantees Google that the data protection regulations of the EU will also be observed when processing data in the USA.

Through Google AdSense, cookies as well as so-called web beacons are stored on your end device via your internet browser. This enables Google to analyze the use of our website by you. In addition to your IP address and the advertising formats displayed to you, the information collected in this way is transferred to Google in the USA and stored there. Furthermore, Google can pass on this information to contractual partners. However, Google declares that your IP address will not be merged with other data from you.

The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. Our legitimate interest lies in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of our Internet presence.

If you do not agree with this processing, you have the possibility to prevent the installation of cookies by making the appropriate settings in your Internet browser. You will find details on this above under the item “Cookies”.

In addition, Google offers under

further information, in particular on the possibilities of preventing the use of data.

Online job applications / publication of job advertisements

We offer you the opportunity to apply for a job with us via our website. With these digital applications, your applicant and application data will be collected and processed electronically by us for the purpose of handling the application procedure.

The legal basis for this processing is § 26 para. 1 sentence 1 BDSG in conjunction with Art. 88 para. 1 DSGVO.

If a contract of employment is concluded after the application procedure, we will store the data you provide during the application process in your personnel file for the purpose of the usual organizational and administrative process – naturally in compliance with the more extensive legal obligations.

The legal basis for this processing is also § 26 para. 1 sentence 1 BDSG in conjunction with Art. 88 para. 1 DSGVO.

If an application is rejected, we automatically delete the data transmitted to us two months after notification of the rejection. However, the data will not be deleted if the data requires longer storage of up to four months or until the conclusion of legal proceedings due to statutory provisions, e.g. due to the obligation to produce evidence under the AGG.

In this case, the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO and § 24 para. 1 no. 2 BDSG. Our legitimate interest lies in the legal defense or enforcement.

If you expressly consent to a longer storage of your data, e.g. for your inclusion in a database of applicants or interested parties, the data will be processed further on the basis of your consent. The legal basis is then Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a) DSGVO. However, you can of course revoke your consent at any time in accordance with Art. 7 Para. 3 DSGVO by making a declaration to us with effect for the future.