
Website operator

PETKUS Technologie GmbH
Röberstrasse 8
D-99848 Wutha-Farnroda
Telefon: +49 (0) 36921 98 -0
Telefax: +49 (0) 36921 98 333

Managing Director: Mark Scholze
Responsible for the content: Luca Celeghini, Mark Scholze
Local Court: Amtsgericht Jena
Commercial Register: HRB 40 60 33
Ust.-ID-Nr: DE 235 302 942


Legal references
All rights are reserved by PETKUS Technologie referring the design of internet presence, the used texts, photos and graphics. All used materials are liable to copyright, as well as other protective laws.
Unless not pointed out explicitly, contents of this internet presence are not allowed to publish, to modify or to pass on to third parties for commercial purposes without permission from PETKUS.

Non liability
PETKUS Technologie GmbH is checking and is updating permanently all information on this internet presence. In spite of this reasonable care the dates can be modified in the meantime. Therefore we cannot assume any liability or guarantee for the up to date ness, correctness and completeness of provided information – excepting cases of intention or gross negligence. The same applies for the liability due to possible damages, which arise directly or indirectly from the use of this internet presence or from down load of dates.

Data privacy protection
The data of the internet presence will be saved and used exclusively for transmission of product information and service quotations. The PETKUS GmbH assures, that any particulars correspond to the valid terms of data privacy protection.
According to the judgment dated 12th May 1998 the district court Hamburg decided that by providing of links to external pages results a share of responsibility for these linked pages, should the situation arise. This can be only prevented by explicitly distancing from the offered contents. Therefore for all links at this internet presence has to be considered that we do not have any influence regarding the contents of the linked pages. Furthermore, we herewith distance explicitly from any contents of these pages and we do not adopt their contents. This statement is valid for all links and for all contents of the pages, which result from our linked contents.